Krishna Dressing

Story Behind It Gainesville , FL has a large Hare Krishna population who has been graciously serving food to the students of the University of Florida for over 50 years. During my time in school there I took advantage of these meals made with love and anyone who has done the same knows the amazingness…

Butter Coffee

Story Behind It Butter coffee has only 3 ingredients which makes it very easy to make in the morning! Coffee, grass-fed butter, and coconut oil. The reason that these are a good combination for your morning is they give you energy at different times through your morning. The coconut oil is a medium chain fatty…

Green Plantain Pancakes

Green plantain pancakes are an enjoyable way to get all those goodies! Don’t get turned away thinking about an unripe “banana”! Plantains and bananas are in the same family but are a different species and have a very different flavor. Green plantains are high in starch and low in sugar. Green plantains are a resistant…

Gardening Tips

Gardening Tips

    AVOIDING INJURY WHILE GARDENING   “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin March 12th is recognized as ‘National Plant a Flower Day’. Gardeners in Colorado know that it’s an unofficial rule not to plant anything until after Mother’s Day for fear of freezing temperatures, but with the…

Comprehensive Chiropractic - Med Pay

What is Med – Pay?

What is Med Pay (Medical Payments) ? Med Pay is a part of your auto insurance policy that pays any medical bills following an auto related accident. Med-Pay covers any accident in which a vehicle is related (i.e. pedestrian hit by car, bike rider hit by car) it also covers any passengers in your vehicle.…

Why is Vitamin D important?

The primary role of vitamin D is to promote calcium absorption in the gut and maintain adequate serum calcium and phosphate concentrations that enable normal bone mineralization. It is needed for bone growth, remodeling, and maintenance. But Vitamin D has also been shown to have roles in the modulation of cell growth, neuromuscular function, immune function,…

Six Common Causes of Sciatica

We hear it often: “I have sciatica.” But what we rarely hear when people come into our office is why. That’s because “sciatica” is not a diagnosis; it’s not the actual issue. It is a description of symptoms.  Simply put, sciatica describes the irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve. So, it’s a type of…